Looking for guest blogging or guest post opportunities? Learn how you can contribute to our blog or even become a regular guest author.
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Position yourself as an expert
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Share your knowledge with others
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Reach 50,000 readers per month
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Sharp Sharp iT Africa is the Media Pop Culture for the youth.
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We welcome expert-level articles on the following topics:
- Technology
- Digital Marketing
- Beauty
- Lifestyle
- Body Building
- Science
- Politics
- Business
- Education
- Trends
Our platform is fueled by the knowledge of experts from around the world. Are you ready to add your five cents? Apply to write an article or become a regular contributor.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”38px”][vc_custom_heading text=”Why should you write for us?”][vc_empty_space height=”38px”][vc_column_text]Exposure: Position yourself as an expert and build your thought leadership! You’ll receive exposure on our website with an author profile and the chance to have your article translated into 2 additional languages.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”20px”][vc_column_text]Reach: Our platform has a growing number of visitors each month. Your article will be shared on our Facebook page with fast growing number of followers and other social media platforms.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”38px”][vc_custom_heading text=”Guidelines for being accepted as a guest author” font_container=”tag:h2|font_size:24px|text_align:left|line_height:5″][vc_column_text]
- Your article must have valuable, expert-level information: Give digital marketers useful information, insider tips or expert advice to help their day-to-day work. As you’ll see from the articles currently live on the blog, general information usually doesn’t pass inspection.
- >1500 words: We don’t have a strict word count rule, but we typically like to publish articles with at least 1500 words to ensure the topic discussed is thoroughly covered.
- Ensure you only link to reputable sources: Make sure you’re only linking out to reputable sources that will help the reading experience of the article and the element you are explaining.
- Near-native English: Make sure your English writing reads as native or near-native. Please run your article through a site like Grammarly before submitting it.
- Include examples: Make sure you include plenty of examples and/or images to illustrate the point you’re making.
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- Apply through the form below if you are interested in becoming a guest author.
- Our marketing team will check your application. If we think your experience and writing style is a good fit for the SSiTV, we will email you back.
- Suggest some topic ideas. Please suggest at least 3 topics that would fit into one of our categories.
- Submit an outline of your article. After we’ve decided on a topic, please send a short outline of the article. Once approved, we will send you a contract.
- Write the article. You can work on the article directly in WordPress (access data will be sent via email). When the article is ready, you can release it to us by clicking “Propose”.
- Send us your author profile. For your author profile, we need a profile picture, a short description (maximum 330 characters) and links to your professional social channels, like Twitter and LinkedIn, or to your website.
- We will publish & promote your guest article. Once approved, we will publish and promote your article.
- We may translate your article. If we see that your article is particularly interesting to our English readers, there’s a chance that we will translate it into German, French.
- Regularly contribute as a guest author. As an author for the SSiTV, hopefully, you can write as often as you can! This process typically shortens (i.e. we won’t need to see an outline) after establishing yourself as one of our frequent authors.
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