ANC, David Makhura, Gauteng, News, South Africa, South Africa News, Uncategorized

Gauteng Premier David Makhura says he is not resigning


Gauteng Premier David Makhura says he will remain in his post while a transition process is underway to replace him. He says he is ready to hand over the reins to the next leader that the ANC identifies. “I am not here to render my resignation today but I am definitely ready to hand over…

Gauteng Premier David Makhura says he will remain in his post while a transition process is underway to replace him.

He says he is ready to hand over the reins to the next leader that the ANC identifies.

“I am not here to render my resignation today but I am definitely ready to hand over to the next leadership of the ANC,” he said.

“There is a difference between recall and resignation and a handover and this handover must be smooth and the transition must be smooth.

Source: eNCA

In other news – Its OVER as Uzalo’s Simphiwe Majozi (Sbu) seriously cheats & abuses his politician Girlfriend

Uzalo actor Simphiwe Majozi, has been exposed by his girlfriend, now ex, for allegedly abusing her both physically and emotionally. According to City Press, Simphiwe dated Kekeletso Mahlelebe, a DA Councilor for 6 years, and she told the paper that it was not all rosey.

Speaking to the publication, Kekeletso alleged that Simphiwe put her through a lot in the relationship, even adding that he was abusive towards her. 

Media Pop Culture | By Sharp Sharp iT Africa

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