Popular eTV’s raunchy drama series The Black Door, has reportedly been canned. The show recently celebrated its 100th episode, but now reports have emerged that the channel has pulled the plug. The show’s cancellation comes after Black Brain, the production company behind the show recently announced that SK Khoza had landed the character of Sabelo.…
Popular eTV’s raunchy drama series The Black Door, has reportedly been canned. The show recently celebrated its 100th episode, but now reports have emerged that the channel has pulled the plug. The show’s cancellation comes after Black Brain, the production company behind the show recently announced that SK Khoza had landed the character of Sabelo.
According to entertainment commentator Phil Mphela, decommissioning the show is purely due to the dramatic decline in viewership. The show has been drawing just under 2.6 million viewers. With a 37.4 percent audience share, which is every night at 21h30; was not pulling in impressive numbers.
DiepCity has always been envisaged to be two years production in partnership with Mzansi Magic and now the contract is nearing its end. A deliberate and strategic move by Mzansi Magic, to offer viewers a dynamic show that would keep them glued to their screens and secure that slot,” read part of the statement.
The Black Door cancelled
Sad news for #TheBlackDoor fans. The telenovela won’t get a renewal for the next season.
Pulling just under 2.6-million viewers peak — with an audience share of 37.4% for its timeslot, the show was not a dud, numbers wise.#KgopoloReports pic.twitter.com/u1TYcLUq4X
— Kgopolo (@PhilMphela) August 31, 2022
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